My father's belief is that every bite should be harmonious and that is where our standard begins and our difference lies...

Original Flavor
This was our very first flavor! I remember when I first tasted this flavor on a chip in our first grocery store back in 2015 when we were making sample chips for the customers to try our spices! Watching the customers faces change as soon as they tried our chips was my evidence that our flavor was not only exceptional but special. So special in fact that everyone who tried our chips on that day and the following days have been excited to change what they called their favorite chips. I knew then, this was only the beginning! I knew this because we started with only one flavor and yet we were not competing with the other potato chips we were in another category all together. Then I would tell people that there were over 28 herbs and spices specially blended in harmony, someone said, "like a gourmet meal?" I replied, exactly! Like a gourmet meal on a chip!
Try it TodaySmoked Flavor
Our second flavor came after the feedback and hype of the Original flavor. People were so taken by the taste of the Original flavor and how it was unlike anything else on the market, my Dad said, "I have something they might not be ready for!" So naturally when I tried it, I was in shock! At that point in my life I had never tasted any rub that tasted like it was fresh from the smoker! My Dad went on to explain, "We cannot simple come out with a BBQ chip just like everyone else, we have to continue to innovate and elevate!" So at first, we struggled with the name. We thought what name says BBQ but better? One name we toyed with was The Score! I liked it because when you BBQ, you score each side of your meat or you score your veggies to show your skill with the flames and a score on your final presentation shows like a signature on your freshly grilled food. So while The Score said a lot, it failed to win points with my family. Then Smoked was offered and seemed more fitting given the flavor. I thought to myself wow, no one has a claim to a Smoked flavor even though that is what mostly everyone who BBQ's wants at the end of it! But the Smoked flavor is not for everyone, its for the true BBQ connoisseur who looks for the smoked flavor instead of the sauce to come and save the experience in the end. Lawd knows how many family BBQ's I've attended where the simple fact of smoked flavor was over looked!
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Balsamic Flavor
Our third flavor came from a close and personal friend and the Founder and Inventor of The PuffCuff, Ceata Lash! Ceata has been such an inspiration in my life as not only a business mentor but also the creator of our current potato chip bag! Ceata, made it very clear that the bag needed to change because, and I quote, "The taste of the chips need to be reflected on the bag." And now we have the best bags for the best flavor. The flavor idea came from her love of balsamic vinaigrette which is already a step up from just salt and vinegar. When I approached my dad about the flavor he was excited because her suggestion was an unexpected surprise! Both my father and I worked diligently on this flavor until we reach a level of perfection that even I was taken by. Naturally, we pushed back the preplanned next flavor and went with this one. I have to be honest, I am not a fan of salt and vinegar at all. But, when I tasted the Balsamic flavor it was over for me as I had found love after Smoked.
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Can't Choose Just One? No problem you can have them all!