Gluten-free | All-natural | No MSG | Non GMO | VEGAN-FRIENDLY🎉

Building our community starts one person at a time...

Our Journey

Everyone has to start somewhere, but the important thing to do is to get started.

We started at a co-op grocery store called Sevananda located in the heart of Atlanta. It was in that grocery store that our spice company became a potato chip company. But it took that co-op giving us a chance and supporting us, but we had to be ready because chance favors the prepared mind. Or success happens when preparation meets opportunity. We want to help with the preparation!

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Not only should every bite be harmonious, but every piece of our community should be harmonious as well.

As a family, we believe in creating pathways for others to begin a new journey. We do this by providing training options that lead to sustainable future careers.

Our programs are centered around manufacturing so that we can bring jobs to our community

Our Plan for Symphony Crumbs

Create a scholarship program that targets the disenfranchised that want to start a journey in manufacturing. We will leverage some existing programs within our community and connect them with our scholarship recipients. We are currently looking for 5 scholarship recipients.

Click  Here to Nominate Someone

​Time Remaining Until Scholarship Funds are Due

Scholarship Fund Raising Goal is: $150,000


Crafting this dream is definitely a work in progress, but none of it is possible with you! Changing our society starts from within our communities and it is my goal to start the process but I need your help. Whether you prefer to give directly or through purchasing chips. Your gifts are truly appreciated.

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